Anagallis arvensis

Anagallis arvensis


North Khorasan province , Iran

Elevation 1205m

(May 15, 2024) – (May 12, 2024)


Kingdom:   Plantae
Phylum:   Magnoliophyta
Class:   Angiospermae
Order:  Ericales
Family: Primulaceae
Genus: Anagallis
Species: Anagallis arvensis

When found as a summer annual, the scarlet pimpernel has a low-growing creeping habit, but as a winter annual, it forms a half-rosette with an upright stem. It has weak sprawling stems with square cross-section growing to about 5–30 centimetres (2–12 in) long. They bear bright green, soft, ovate sessile leaves in opposite pairs. The orange, red or blue, radially symmetric flowers, about 10–15 millimetres (0.4–0.6 in) in diameter, are produced singly in the leaf axils from spring to autumn. The petal margins are somewhat crenate and have small glandular hairs. The stamens have lollipop hairs and therefore attract a variety of pollinators, especially flies, but the flowers are also capable of autopollination. The dehiscent capsule fruits ripen from August to October in the northern hemisphere. The weight of the fruiting body bends the stem, and the seeds are transported by the wind or rain.

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