Cucumis sativus

Cucumis sativus


North Khorasan province , Iran

Elevation 1110m

(June 4, 2019) – (August 30, 2019)

(August 31, 2021) – (June 7, 2022)


Kingdom:   Plantae
Phylum:   Magnoliophyta
Class:   Angiospermae
Order:  Cucurbitales
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus: Cucumis
Species: Cucumis sativus

The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around supports with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant may also root in a soilless medium, whereby it will sprawl along the ground in lieu of a supporting structure. The vine has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruits.

The fruit of typical cultivars of cucumber is roughly cylindrical, but elongated with tapered ends, and may be as large as 62 centimeters long and 10 centimeters in diameter.

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