Helianthus annuus

Helianthus annuus


North Khorasan province , Iran

Elevation  1110 m

(July 4, 2019) – (July 10, 2021)

(July 6, 2022) – (July 28, 2023)


Kingdom:   Plantae
Phylum:   Magnoliophyta
Class:   Angiospermae
Order:  Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Helianthus
Species: Helianthus annuus

Helianthus annuus or Common Sunflower is an annual herb that can reach up to 3 m in height. Leaves are ovate to heart-shaped, covered in coarse hairs. The single large yellow flower is known as a Capitate inflorscence made up of yellow ray and disk florets.

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